Side by Side

What is mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs?


We all like to know where we fit in the world and faith can be an important part of who we are.


We all have our own take on faith and we wouldn't be happy if anyone tried to interfere. This is why we value the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.


Some of us express our beliefs by how we dress.


Some of us have religious practices which shape our day.

We all celebrate different religious festivals throughout the year.


And many of us choose to have no specific religion - we are all free to shape our faith as we choose.


Many of us in the UK are atheists who don't believe in a god or agnostics who are not sure there is a god.

We can be respectful and tolerant in different ways


Simply by not commenting or remaining silent

By showing an interest

Or even respectfully disagreeing
